Rupali Ganguly, currently reigning supreme on television with her show Anupamaa has found herself in the midst of a shocking controversy after her step daughter Esha Verma made some startling revelations about her. Esha, went ahead to claim that the actress had an extra marital affair with Ashwin Verma while he was still married to her mother Sapna. Esha also called the actress’s son with Ashwin ‘illegitimate’ which further irked her, owing to which, she slapped a 50 crore defamation case against Esha.
While the actress’ personal life is all over the internet now, the lawsuit filed by Rupali reveals that the actress went through a tough time mentally and everything also affected her career. Amid all of this, Rajan Shahi, the producer of Rupali’s show has come forward to support her and has penned down a heartfelt note for the actress. Sharing a picture of him with Rupali, Rajan lauds the actress for her hardworking and humility on the sets of Anupamaa and calls her an inspiration. He asks the actress to walk forward with a smile and stated that he and the DKP family is always with her. The producer writes, “RUPALI YOU INSPIRE ALL OF US EACH DAY EVERY MOMENT, AT DKP/ SHAHI PRODUCTIONS FOR YOUR HARDWORK DEDICATION TALENT HONESTY INTEGRITY AND HUMILITY. ANUPAMAA YOU HAVE CREATED “HISTORY,” A BENCHMARK AND LANDMARK VERY FEW CAN REACH OR CREATE. THU THU THU. WE HAVE SEEN BEHIND THE SCENES ALL THE HARDWORK CHALLENGES SACRIFICES YOU FACE WITH A SMILE. YOUR HUMILITY AS AN ACTRESS IS INSPIRATIONAL TO ALL OF US AT ANUPAMAA TEAM. WALK FORWARD ALWAYS AS USUAL WITH A SMILE AND CONFIDENCE AS YOUR DAILY HARD WORK IS YOUR ANSWER TO ALL. THE LOYALTY DEDICATION TO UR CRAFT/ ANUPAMAA IS EXEMPLARY. PROUD OF U AND ALWAYS WITH YOU.”
Reposting the same on her Instagram handle, Rupali thanks Rajan Shahi for giving her Anupamaa and trusting her with the same.