
RRB RPF SI 2024: Exam Dates Out For Various Exams; Check Here


November 21, 2024

A revised tentative exam schedule has been announced by the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) for a number of positions, including Technician, Junior Engineer (JE), and Sub-Inspector (SI) in the Railway Protection Force (RPF). CEN 02/2024 (Technician), CEN 03/2024 (JE & Others), and CEN 01/2024 (RPF SI) are all subject to this updated schedule. The recruitment drive is initiated for the hiring of 452 Sub Inspectors vacancies.

The precise dates given to the applicants will be communicated through their individual admit cards. The computer-based test for RPF SI 2024 will take place on December 2, 3, 9, 12, and 13. The dates of the JE & Others (CEN 03/2024) exams are December 16, 17, and 18, 2024 (probably CBT-1). Exams for technicians (CEN 02/2024) will take place over several days from December 19 to December 29, 2024.

The RPF SI Exam will be administered by the authorities as a computer-based test at multiple testing locations.

Exam Pattern

The RPF SI exam consists of a Computer-Based Test (CBT) lasting 90 minutes, comprising 120 multiple-choice questions worth 120 marks. The exam is divided into three sections: General Awareness (50 questions, 50 marks), Arithmetic (35 questions, 35 marks), and General Intelligence & Reasoning (35 questions, 35 marks).

How to Download RRB Exams 2024 Admit Cards: RRB exam admit cards will be available on the official RRB website approximately 10 days before the examination day.

Step 1: Go to the official RRB website. Step 2: Find the download link for the admittance card. Step 3: Enter your birthday and registration number.Step 4: Verify the information on the admit card and download it. Step 5: Once downloaded, print the admit card for future reference.

Candidates are recommended to visit the Railway Recruitment Board’s official website for more details.