AMAM Foundation will conduct “Atulya Avivadan”, a guidance program on suicide prevention and future careers as per the new education policy.

— More than 1100 principals and teachers of city schools will join the training

— Rising suicide incidents are a matter of concern today: Purvi Bhimani

“AMAM FOUNDATION” is working for the development of people’s lives with the aim of alleviating their physical and mental problems. Also active for the preservation of the environment.

In today’s times, education has become so burdensome for students that every year many students end their lives by committing suicide. A unique initiative has been taken by Purvi Bhimani, the city’s psychological counselor, to stop the increasing number of suicide cases. He has started a project called “Atulya Abhiwadan”. In which approximately 4500 people from 1693 schools in Vadodara district will be given free training in a one-day workshop on 01/10/2022 at Sir Sayajirao House in the number of 1100. And after that they have to take the evolution test. Apart from that, people will be made aware about this project by taking it to public places including malls, gardens, funstreets without load. Citizens of Vadodara can benefit from the seminar. And citizens can participate in this program for free. For which they have to register.

About which Psychological Counselor Purvi Bhimani said that it is very necessary to create awareness among teachers and parents about the new education policy. Only then the burden on the students can be reduced and the burden of education on the poor students will be reduced, then the suicide cases will automatically reduce. So through this project our aim is to reach common people.

People can register by going to the website to join. In which our volunteers and trainers will be informed about the new penetration policy every day in a one-week workshop. The exam will then be conducted in their writing about what they learned from this training. In which the winners will be awarded prizes and certificates. First the training will be given to the principal and senior teachers, then the remaining teachers of the school will be able to participate in the program. The main sponsor of this program is Parul University. At the same time we are very grateful to all our sponsors Vince Hospital, Kanan Industree, Industree, Heritage Foundation, Texo Foundation, Success Founders, American Steels, RS Infotech, Laxmi Raj distributors, and Ganadavikar Jewelers. Teachers participating in the exam program will have to answer small questions from the information mentioned in the training which can be filled both online and offline in line. After training and examination, everyone will be given a certificate. New Education will be for police training. Experts received from the exam will be awarded the incredible prize prize at the Incredible Greetings Award Ceremony.

The highest number of suicide cases have been registered in the year 2021 – 22 in the last decade. Talking about some of the reasons associated with education, the burden of education in parents and family is increasing among the students here. Weight of buying books Weight and then school fees so much more, even after spending all this, students and parents compare small things and try to commit suicide. “Incredible Greetings” is a program in which we are going to serve students, guardians and teachers an important thing that according to the new education policy, the government is making great efforts which will reduce the burden of education and increase the confidence of every student artistically and strengthen the future of India. In this new policy of ours comes the talk of mathematics and systematic design with education. So that every man can achieve progress.

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