“DONT JUST CRITICISE OR RELY ON VMC” Dr. Shital Mistry’s Controversial Appeal”

Vadodara, India: Dr. Shital Mistry, the Chairperson of the Standing Committee of Vadodara Municipal Corporation, has sparked significant controversy with her recent appeal to the city’s residents. In the face of recurring flood threats, Mistry has urged citizens to take matters into their own hands by purchasing boats and other equipment to navigate and survive potential floods. She has further questioned the necessity of paying municipal taxes if the corporation cannot provide adequate flood relief.

Dr Sheetal Mistry’s statement is against humanatarian approach

Mistry’s statement has been met with a mix of shock, anger, and disbelief. Many residents have criticized her suggestion as impractical, irresponsible, and a blatant disregard for the corporation’s primary duty to protect its citizens. Critics argue that it is unreasonable to expect individuals to bear the sole burden of flood preparedness, especially when they are already paying taxes to support municipal services.

The corporation’s response to Mistry’s comments has been ambiguous. While officials have not explicitly condemned her statement, they have emphasized the importance of collective efforts to mitigate flood risks. The corporation has also highlighted its ongoing initiatives to improve drainage infrastructure and strengthen flood response capabilities.

The controversy surrounding Mistry’s appeal raises important questions about the role of local governments in disaster preparedness and the relationship between citizens and their elected representatives. As Vadodara continues to grapple with the threat of floods, it remains to be seen how the city will address the concerns raised by Mistry’s controversial suggestion.

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